The French reference bike calculator for secured routes

Our unique algorithm and cartographic expertise allow us to offer the best cycling routes, adaptable to all cyclist profiles.

They use the Geovelo calculator

A calculator recognized for the quality and safety of routes

Our 12 years of R&D and our cartographic expertise have enabled us to build a calculator that takes into account 30+ criteria to offer a suitable, reliable and safe route for cyclists.

We for example take into account the cycling infrastructure, the altitude and the type of road surface in our algorithm.

An open configuration by types of bike and routes

Based on our knowledge of cycling infrastructure, the calculator returns 3 route choices: safe, direct or balanced.

The user can also adapt the route to his type of bike:

traditional mechanical, electrically assisted, self-service, cargo or VTC.

Mapping continuously updated by the territories and our experts

Our partnership with more than 40 territories and the contributions of our community of more than 1 million cyclists allow us to continuously update our cartographic database. Our GIS experts intervene directly on this basis and ensure the quality of the route returned.

Easy integration on all platforms

  • API integration for all media, web or mobile:
    - complete documentation continuously available
    - possible assistance in developing the connection
  • A widget available to integrate Geovelo on your websites in a few clicks
Application example

Easy integration with a MaaS platform


By integrating the Geovelo API, Ile-de-France Mobilités helps its users find the best solution for their bike journeys:

  1. Identification of different travel times from one or more addresses
  2. Details of routes and travel times
  3. Sailing Instructions
  4. Visibility of self-service bikes stations
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